Okra – Multiple benefits
A vegetable occupying a significant place in the diet in Africa, it can be eaten fresh or dry, and generally in sauce.
Djoumblé, a powder made exclusively from dried and crushed okra, is used to make the sauce of the same name in Côte d’Ivoire, reputed to be rich in vitamin K.
Low in calories (22.4 calories/100g), okra is a water-rich vegetable. It is highly concentrated in essential nutrients, vitamins (A, C, B2, B3, B6 and B9, K), soluble dietary fiber (40% in total). It also contains trace elements and is a source of minerals, namely calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, copper and iron.
It would have according to several studies an interesting role against hyperlipidemia, diabetes and even certain cancers (that of the colon in particular).
A food not to be overlooked!