Ivory Coast: Baccalaureate 2022, a success rate of 30.78%
Are we witnessing a return to excellence in the Ivorian school?
It’s official, the baccalaureate exam results for the 2021-2022 session were announced on July 25
2022 at 2 p.m. throughout the national territory. These official results have been communicated,
Monday, by the Director of Examinations and Competitions (DECO), Ms. Mariam Nimaga-Dosso.
Indeed, it is with immense pressure that the young candidates awaited the outcome of the
soap opera which had started in September 2021.
For days, rumors circulated everywhere on social networks mentioning a weak
success rate recorded this year, creating a climate of fear and anxiety within the
community of candidates who had taken part in this examination.
With a success rate of 30.78%, 319,847 students actually took part in this
examination and out of the number of participants, 98,446 were declared admitted.
In terms of gender, out of 147,758 candidates present, 45,857 participants were declared admitted
i.e. a success rate of 46.58% of graduates against 52,589 admitted among boys out of a total
of 172,089 participants, i.e. a success rate of 53.42%.
The proclamation of the results therefore sounded the death knell for a general panic attack among the candidates.
for weeks, thus creating happy and unhappy people at the same time.
With the success rate of 30.78% this year, there is a slight increase of 1.54% compared to
last year or 29.24%.
Rigor. Excellency. Deserved. These are the values advocated by the new minister, who since her
appointment leads a fierce fight against corruption within the education system by adopting
practices that stem its proliferation, against the cheating that has spread, by strengthening the
supervision during examinations, and by adopting a rigorous approach in the correction of
tests to establish a selectivity that has disappeared for years in the Ivorian school.
These measures, although they are strong and sometimes considered excessive, are part of a vision
excellence of national education in order to raise it to the level to which it should always have
to be, because as the saying goes, in great evils, great means.
In comparison, the results of the last two years are well down relative to the
results of 2019 and 2020, which were respectively 41.23% and 40.08% in 2020.